Relax Breath of Solution.Community tech blog of Sameera Thilakasiri - Consultant UI, UX, RWD Specialist/ Interactive Designer

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40 Best Bootstrap Tools for Designers

Posted on February 14, 2014 | No Comments

List of Bootstrap tools/resources do you use and would recommend to others ? If you have a few favourites, then please share them with our readers in the comment section below.

  1. Layoutit
  2. X-editable
  3. Jetstrap
  4. Grid Displayer
  5. Bootply
  6. DivShot
  7. Bootstrap Magic
  8. GetkickStrap
  9. Bootstrap Button Generator
  10. PaintStrap
  11. Fancyboot
  12. Bootstrap Designer
  13. Bootsnipp
  14. Easel
  15. BootstrapStyler
  16. WrapBootstrap
  17. Galleries Built With Bootstrap
  18. For Mockups Bootstrap Fireworks
  19. Free Twitter Bootstrap Widgets Library for Axure RP
  20. Sass Twitter Bootstrap – Projects
  21. jQuery UI Bootstrap
  22. Colorpicker and Datepicker for Twitter Bootstrap
  23. Articles: Building Twitter Bootstrap
  24. Jasny
  25. Dialogs and Notifications
  26. Bootstrap Notify
  27. Bootstrap Tags
  28. Bootstrap Switch
  29. Bootstrap Markdown
  30. Bootstrap Select
  31. Bootstrap Form Wizard
  32. jqBootstrapValidation
  33. Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete
  34. Tablecloth
  35. Data Tables is another table enhancing addon for Bootstrap
  36. Social Buttons is a collection of pretty social networking buttons
  37. Bootstro.js is a bootstrap plugin that lets you build a guided tour for new users.
  38. Type-ahead is a library by twitter that offers a fast and fully featured auto-complete control
  39. Flippant.js is a tiny plugin that lets you flip elements to reveal further content with a smooth CSS transition

Sameera Thilakasiri By Sameera Thilakasiri
,is a front-end developer based in Colombo, is a blogger and a lifestyle photographer.
Follow him Twitter and Google+. Check out him.


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