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Animating a Flex PieChart control’s rotation when a user clicks on an item – mx:SeriesInterpolate mx:showDataEffect

In a previous example, “Rotating a Flex PieChart control when a user clicks on an item”, we looked at changing a PieChart’s rotation when the user clicked on a pie wedge. In the following example, we look at how to add a nice animation effect with some easing to make the effect a bit more […]

Exploding wedges in a Flex PieChart control – perWedgeExplodeRadius

The following example shows how you can explode specific wedges in a PieChart control when the user clicks an item in the chart.

Positioning labels in a Flex PieChart control – mx:PieChart mx:series mx:PieSeries

The following example shows how you can position callouts in a PieChart control’s pie series by setting the labelPosition