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Just I wanted.. Do you?…

Concepts of Card UI

The fundamental elements that constitute cards user interface are underlined by the concept of delivering an entire aggregation of information as grouped into single experiences. Like the traditional cards that were sent to express a holistic experience, cards UI represents integration of several personalized links in a single enhanced delivery. Since the user is involved, […]

Nodejs & LessCSS and Grunt for your way to frontend development. Performance, optimization, and best practices.

How does Nodejs & LessCSS and Grunt make easy the FED? First off all LessCSS(Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themable and extendable.) changed the world of UI […]


The divine proportion is a mathematical concept dating to ancient times that is used as a principle in almost all types of design from architecture to art to websites. CREATE To get this shape for your website, measure the width of your available content area and divide that by 1.618. The resulting number would be […]

Applying The Golden Ratio In Modern Designs

By underpinning the design of your website with a literally natural order, viewers may find your design more interesting and innately pleasing. This concept is called the golden ratio, a mathematical concept nature obeys and that we humans subconsciously recognize as an expression of perfection. The Golden What? In simple terms, the golden ratio (also […]