Gamification Experts to Follow on Twitter
Posted on October 28, 2013 | No Comments
Present to you, the top 25 gamification and engagement experts to follow on Twitter (in no particular order). We’ve included their name, where they’re from and their handle so you can simply click and follow! While these are only a few of the hundreds of great experts out there, this list should get you started on the right path of implementing game mechanics into your campaigns!
Mario Herger- AICSV- @mherger
Gabe Zichermann- Gamification Summit- @gzicherm
Mark Golstein- Backops- @Markgee
Sergio Jiménez Arenas- Game Marketing- @gamkt
Brian Wong- Kiip – @brian_wong
Amit Fulay- Google- @amitfulay
Kes Sampanthar- Cynergy Systems- @KesSampanthar
Michael Wu Ph.D- Gamification Scientist- @mich8elwu
Andrea Kuszewski- Researcher/Therapist- @AndreaKuszewski
Jane McGonigal – Author of “Reality is Broken, Why Games Make Us Better and How They Change the World” @avantgame
Stella Grizont- WOOPAAH!- @StellaGrizont
Bob Marsh- Levele- @bobmarsh5
Yu-kai Chou- Octalysis- @yukaichou
Andrzej Marczewski- – @daverage
Phaedra Boinodiris- IBM- @INNOV8game
Jesse Redniss – USA Network @jesseredniss
Nicole Lazzaro- Designed TiltWorld- @NicoleLazzaro
Mark Yolton- SAP- @MarkYolton
Kevin Werbach- Co-Author of “For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business @kwerb
Dannette Veale- Cisco- @dveale
Stephanie Garcia – Digital Strategist – @heystephanie
Amy Jo Kim- Game Designer- @amyjokim
Ivan Kuo- Gsummit- @GamificationKuo
Roman Rackwitz- EngagingLab- @RomanRackwitz
Scott Dodson- Digipen- @Gamebiz
Tags: Experts to Follow on Twitter | Gamification
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