Create Google Maps Flex application using Google Maps API
Google maps is a powerful tool that provides a huge range of mapping services like street directories, directions, searches, satellite views and more. All of this power is made available to Flex developers through a Flash/Flex API supplied and supported by Google. This tutorial will show you how to embed a Google Map into a […]
Applying an effect when an HBox container is resized in Flex – mx:HDividedBox resizeEffect
Applying an effect when an HBox container is resized in Flex The following example shows how you can apply a resize effect to a Flex HBox container by setting the resizeEffect style/effect.
Developing Flash Components for Flex – addEventListener MouseEvent URLRequest
Adobe is about to release a development kit for Flex to create components by using Flash IDE. This kit may help developers add more interaction and animation effects into their flex components. Now, I will develop a small sample by using this tool. Please notice that before reading this article you have to prepare your […]
Embedding and animating fonts in a Flex application – mx:Zoom mx:Style easingFunction Elastic.easeOut
I meant to post this earlier, and I already touched on font embedding in an earlier post (Building a basic controller for the VideoDisplay control), but here’s a quick little way to embed a font in a Flex application. In this example we embed a font (the awesome “Base 02? PC TrueType font (TTF) from […]
Flex Validator example – mx:PhoneNumberValidator – mx:EmailValidator
Code below shows Flex validator component example. With these components different types of data are get validated with appropriate validators. buy cialis canadian The provided flex feature is mostly used in validating the user ids, email addresses and passwords. In the example validator for email and phone numbers are made. When the user writes, data […]
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