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Creating a custom formatter

You create a custom formatter by creating a class that extends the mx.formatters.Formatter base class, or by creating a class that extends one of the standard formatter classes, which all extend mx.formatters.Formatter. The following example shows the class hierarchy for formatters: Like standard formatter classes, your custom formatter class must contain a public format() method […]

About data representation, Data binding, Data models, Data validation, Data formatting

Adobe® Flex® provides the following set of features for representing data in your applications: data binding, validation, and formatting. These features work in conjunction with the Adobe® LiveCycle™ Data Services ES and Vega features for working with remote data. Together, they allow you to perform the following tasks: Pass data between client-side objects. Store data […]

Associating a Skin with a Component

Flex’s Button component was the first to be implemented in the new Spark architecture, and is a good example of component and skin separation. The skin definition first references the component to which this skin can be applied. This optional metadata element allows the skin to hold a reference to the component class, if necessary. […]

Understanding the Flex 4 Spark Component Architecture and how to Build Custom Components with the Flex 4

The architecture of the new Spark components in Flex 4 supercedes the Halo components of Flex 3. Upon learning how to leverage the architecture of Spark components, you will find the improvements to be quite substantial. Ultimately, the new component architecture with the Spark library makes building, modifying, and designing custom components a lot easier […]

ObjectCollector: Accessing Flex’s objects by id (even dynamic generated) from anywhere

Flex’s components have a nice id property which can be used to easily referencing object created. All you know, that if I get the following mxml Application file: I can then create a Script block into which I’ll point to TextInput in this way: Perfect, but how can I reference dynamically created objects (components outside […]

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