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Easy Animations for AngularJS with Animate.css

Posted on March 13, 2015 | No Comments

Animate.css is to transitions what Bootstrap is to layout, which means it comes with a number of pre-built and easy to use styles. Animate uses keyframe animations. which specify the start, end, and in-between points of what an element should look like, and although Animate is not tied to Angular, keyframes make Angular animations easier because there is no need to specify the “preparation” phase. Also, complicated animations roll up into a single keyframe name.

div[ng-view].ng-enter {
    -webkit-animation: fadeInRight 0.5s;
    animation: fadeInRight 0.5s;

The ng-hide and ng-show directives need a little more work to function correctly. These animations use “add” and “remove” classes, and adding !important is a key to override the default ng-hide style of display:none.

.ng-hide-remove {
    -webkit-animation: bounceIn 2.5s;
    animation: bounceIn 2.5s;
.ng-hide-add {
    -webkit-animation: flipOutX 2.5s;
    animation: flipOutX 2.5s;
    display: block !important;

Sameera Thilakasiri By Sameera Thilakasiri
,is a front-end developer based in Colombo, is a blogger and a lifestyle photographer.
Follow him Twitter and Google+. Check out him.


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