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Traversing through filtering

Posted on September 11, 2011 | Comments Off on Traversing through filtering

Traversing through filtering

Finding element by filtering has following methods :

. eq() Find Elements by index $(“li”).eq(2).addClass(“drop”);
.filter() The filter( selector ) method can be used to filter out all elements
from the set of matched elements that do not match the specified
.first() Reduce the set of matched elements to the first in the set. (‘li’).first().css(‘background-color’, ‘green’);
.has() Reduce the set of matched elements to those that have a
descendant that matches the selector or DOM element.
.is() Check the current matched set of elements against a selector and
return true if at least one of these elements matches the selector.
if ($(this).is(“:first-child”)) {}
.last() Reduce the set of matched elements to the final one in the set. $(“p span”).last().addClass(‘highlight’)
.map() Translate a set of elements in the jQuery object into another set of
values in a jQuery array (which may, or may not contain elements).
We can get the sum of the values of the checked inputs:

var sum = 0;
$(‘input:checked’).map(function() {
return sum += (this.value * 1);

.not() Remove elements from the set of matched elements. $(‘li’).not(‘:even’).css(‘background-color’, ‘red’);
.slice() Selects a subset of the matched elements. Selects all paragraphs, then slices the selection to include
only the first element.
$(“p”).slice(0, 1).wrapInner(“<b></b>”);

Sameera Thilakasiri By Sameera Thilakasiri
,is a front-end developer based in Colombo, is a blogger and a lifestyle photographer.
Follow him Twitter and Google+. Check out him.


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