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Easy Flex Skinning with Fireworks CS4

Posted on October 20, 2010 | Comments Off on Easy Flex Skinning with Fireworks CS4

I’m as excited as anyone about the prospect of Flash Catalyst, but I recently discovered that skinning in Flex 3 is down right easy. When I first was learning Flex, I had Studio 8, so I managed to completely overlook how easy the developers of Flex Builder and CS3 had made it to skin Flex components–without even leaving design view. When I got my new computer a few months ago, I finally was able to put CS4 on it, and so now cialis generic flagyl buy cialis phentermine soft tabs I am totally blown away with the synergy between these two Adobe products to make skinning so easy anyone can do it, even with out Catalyst. Continue Reading…

Sameera Thilakasiri By Sameera Thilakasiri
,is a front-end developer based in Colombo, is a blogger and a lifestyle photographer.
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