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Hyperlink Control

Posted on July 11, 2010 | No Comments

One of my friends had been asking me about how to change the style of the LinkButton like an HTML hyperlink, since people liketo display the link as like as HTML.
I developed a simple Hyperlink control in Flex that has the same look and feel as an HTML anchor tag.
Detailed explanation
Just create class which extends Text, and change the style on mouseOver to meet the same feel like html hyperlink.

public class   Hyperlink extends     Text
     * Constructor. Creates new instance of Hyperlink class.
    public function Hyperlink()
        //TODO: <a href="">Buy Amoxil </a>  implement   function
        selectable   = false;
        addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
        addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverHandler);
          addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,   mouseOutHandler);
        buttonMode   = true;
        mouseChildren   = false;
    //    Properties
    //  url

     * @private
         * it stores the value of url property
      private var _url:String = &quot;#&quot;;
     * Gets or sets the value to   url property
    public function   get url():String
        return _url;
     * @private
    public function set url(value:String):void
        _url = value;
    //  window
     * @private
     * it stores the value of window property
      private var _window:String = &quot;_self&quot;;
       * Gets or sets the value to window property
      public   function   get window():String
        return _window;
     * @private
    public function set window(value:String):void
        _window = value;
    //    Event Handlers
    private function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
        navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_url),   _window);
    private function   mouseOverHandler(evnt:MouseEvent):void
      <a href="">where can i buy cialis</a>    setStyle(&quot;textDecoration&quot;, &quot;underline&quot;);
    private function mouseOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
        setStyle(&quot;textDecoration&quot;, &quot;none&quot;);
 <a href="">where do you buy viagra</a>       }

You just code like below and you can set the styles same as other controls.

<controls:hyperlink text="My   Web Log" url=""   window="_blank"/>

Sameera Thilakasiri By Sameera Thilakasiri
,is a front-end developer based in Colombo, is a blogger and a lifestyle photographer.
Follow him Twitter and Google+. Check out him.


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