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AngularJS 2.0 – Here you go!!! What is new?

Before going into further discussion about 2.0 AngularJS briefly consider the philosophy behind the new version. 2.0 angular development began to address the following concerns: Mobile The new angular version will focus on developing mobile applications. The reason is that it is easier to manage desktop looks of things, once you have addressed the challenges […]

How to group console.logs – Advanced JavaScript Logging Using

You can group related log statements by surrounding them with the and console.groupEnd() functions: All log statements issued in between will be displayed as a group in the console view. Collapsing and Nesting Logging Groups Note that the groups created by are initially opened. If you’d rather have them collapsed by default, you […]

When you step to UX track – role and responsibility includes

Contextual Inquiries Creating Affinity diagram Running a card sorting rest and preparing reports Conducting usability testing with paper prototyping Creating persona and scenarios User interview and observation recording Rapid prototyping Creating information architecture and site maps Providing visual guideline and themes for graphics designer Creating UI specification document Collaborating with creative, technology teams and business. […]

40 Best Bootstrap Tools for Designers

List of Bootstrap tools/resources do you use and would recommend to others ? If you have a few favourites, then please share them with our readers in the comment section below. Layoutit X-editable Jetstrap Grid Displayer Bootply DivShot Bootstrap Magic GetkickStrap Bootstrap Button Generator PaintStrap Fancyboot Bootstrap Designer Bootsnipp Easel BootstrapStyler WrapBootstrap Galleries Built With […]

Jquery Mobile related hot topics

Theming list items, Theming dividers, Theming count bubbles, Theming icons, Theming split buttons Theming headers and footers, Theming buttons in toolbars List formatting Read Only List List Search Filter Bar Search filter bar with dividers Collapsible content Collapsible set markup – accordion Theming the content area – Collapsible Footer Persist Author By Sameera Thilakasiri He […]

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