Form Element Selector
: button Selector This type of selector is used to select all input buttons plus all button elements. Example : $(“:button”).css({background:”yellow”, border:”3px red solid”}); It changes the color and border of all buttons. : checkbox Selector It selects all the element of type checkbox. Example : $(“form input: checkbox”).wrap(‘‘).parent().css({background:”yellow”, border:”3px red solid”}); It select all […]
jQuery content Filter
: contains() Selector It filters the elements which have the matched text. Example : It filters the div which have ‘Ankit’ as text and underline them. : empty Selector It filters the elements which are empty. Here empty means they don’t have children or text. Example : It filters all the ‘td’ element which don’t […]
jQuery filters
Uses of JQuery filter Some of the key uses are given below : It is very similar to selector in fact we can say that it is a type of selector to enhance the functionality of selector. We can select filter according to their position. We can select filter according to tag name. We can […]
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