Relax Breath of Solution.

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jQuery Tips and Tricks you Must Memorize – Performance

Storing Data Use data method and avoid storing data inside the DOM. Some developers have a habit of storing data in the HTML attributes like ex.: HTML attributes is not meant to store data like that and the “alt” as a parameter name does not really make sense. The right alternative in most cases is […]

jQuery Tips and Tricks you Must Memorize – part 2

Wrap everything in a single element when doing any kind of DOM insertion How to tell when images have loaded This is another one of those problems that doesn’t seem to be as well documented as it should be (not when I went looking anyway) and it’s a fairly common requirement when building photo galleries, […]

jQuery Tips and Tricks you Must Memorize

Creating an HTML Element and keeping a reference Checking if an element exists If you want to know the index of an element within a set (e.g. list items) within a unordered list: In jQuery 1.4 you can use an object literal to define properties when you create an element: Add/remove a class based on […]

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