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Just I wanted.. Do you?…

Provide a Better Visual Feedback – Using Flex CursorManager.setBusyCursor()

Why do you need Flex CursorManager Flex is all about User Experience. A Rich Internet Application (RIA) is not just attractive skins or fancy animations. It also means interacting with users and helping them use your application better. One important part of User Experience is to provide a better visual feedback. For example, when someone […]

Creating a custom creation complete effect on a Flex Alert control – creationCompleteEffect – mx:SoundEffect

The following example shows how to specify an effect which gets played when an Alert control is displayed by setting the Alert control’s creationCompleteEffect style. You can also see how to embed both the normal and bold font using CSS and @font-face. Full code after the jump. The following example shows how you can set […]

Changing the Flex ComboBox control’s opening and closing easing functions and ColorPicker control’s easing duration

Changing the Flex ComboBox control’s opening and closing easing functions and Changing the ColorPicker control’s easing duration and easing functions This entry looks at customizing the ComboBox control’s openDuration and closeDuration styles which control how long it takes for the dropdown menu to appear or disappear. By default both of these styles are set to […]

Embedding fonts in AS3

No more do you have to have fonts in your library you can embed them directly from the folder where they reside using the [Embed] in your ActionScript Project. You supply the path to the font in the ’source’ param and then store a name to be referenced to access the font in ‘fontFamily’. You […]

Setting the focus blend mode on a TextArea control in Flex – focusBlendMode

A class that provides constant values for visual blend mode effects. These constants are used in the following: The blendMode property of the flash.display.DisplayObject class. The blendMode parameter of the draw() method of the flash.display.BitmapData class Example shows how you can set the focus blend mode of the focus rectangle on a Flex TextArea control […]

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